Sample Assignment Prompts
View my sample assignment prompts in Technical & Professional Writing and Composition.
Public Campaign Team Project
Students in ENGL 420: Business Writing partner with local community partners to create a number of multimedia campaign deliverables to enhance their partner's funding and digital reach.
Students in ENGL 420: Business Writing research a relevant issue or need in their intended industry and develop a detailed data driven report with original data visualizations.
Students in ENGL 422: Writing for the Health & Human Sciences conduct a medical interview with a mock patient to compose accurate case notes and a referral letter.
Students in ENGL 422: Writing for the Health & Human Sciences choose a specific disease and patient population to develop an accessible and culturally sensitive patient educational material.
Informational Backgrounder
Patient Case Notes & Referral
Patient Educational Material
Medical Funding Grant Proposal
Scholarly Article Analysis
Students in ENGL 422: Writing for the Health & Human Sciences research a relevant research need and develop an IMRaD grant proposal in groups.
Students in ENGL 106: Composition choose a scholarly article within their intended field and compose an argument on the author's credibility.
Mapping the Problem Essay
The Research Poster & Pitch
Students in ENGL 106: Composition/Summer Start investigate and map a relevant topic in their intended discipline.
Students in ENGL 106: Composition/Summer Start remix their research into a digital research poster and present at a public poster symposium.
Exploring a Research Question
Students in ENGL 1100: Composition/Fundamentals of Academic Writing explore a research question and submit an expository essay.
Adrianna Deptula
Rhetoric & Composition PhD Candidate
Bilsland Fellow
Purdue University
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