Sample Assignment Prompts

View my sample assignment prompts in Technical & Professional Writing and Composition.

Public Campaign Team Project

Students in ENGL 420: Business Writing partner with local community partners to create a number of multimedia campaign deliverables to enhance their partner's funding and digital reach.

woman in green long sleeve shirt standing in front of clear glass jars
woman in green long sleeve shirt standing in front of clear glass jars

Students in ENGL 420: Business Writing research a relevant issue or need in their intended industry and develop a detailed data driven report with original data visualizations.

Students in ENGL 422: Writing for the Health & Human Sciences conduct a medical interview with a mock patient to compose accurate case notes and a referral letter.

a remote control sitting on top of a table next to a book
a remote control sitting on top of a table next to a book
a hand holding a smart watch
a hand holding a smart watch
woman in black shirt holding white printer paper
woman in black shirt holding white printer paper

Students in ENGL 422: Writing for the Health & Human Sciences choose a specific disease and patient population to develop an accessible and culturally sensitive patient educational material.

Informational Backgrounder
Patient Case Notes & Referral
A group of friends at a coffee shop
A group of friends at a coffee shop
black iphone 7 plus with black case
black iphone 7 plus with black case

Patient Educational Material

Medical Funding Grant Proposal

Scholarly Article Analysis

Students in ENGL 422: Writing for the Health & Human Sciences research a relevant research need and develop an IMRaD grant proposal in groups.

Students in ENGL 106: Composition choose a scholarly article within their intended field and compose an argument on the author's credibility.

assorted book lot
assorted book lot
two people drawing on whiteboard
two people drawing on whiteboard

Mapping the Problem Essay

The Research Poster & Pitch

Students in ENGL 106: Composition/Summer Start investigate and map a relevant topic in their intended discipline.

Students in ENGL 106: Composition/Summer Start remix their research into a digital research poster and present at a public poster symposium.

three women sitting on sofa with MacBook
three women sitting on sofa with MacBook

Exploring a Research Question

Students in ENGL 1100: Composition/Fundamentals of Academic Writing explore a research question and submit an expository essay.